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Domains : Distributed Systems, Image Processing, Cloud Computing, Computer Security, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Internet of things(IOT).
Requirements : Good in mathematics, Good in logic development in above domains, Knowledge of programming languages, Good in communication.

We believe in knowledge , We don’t need certifications
Our Hiring Process
Required Skills
Custom .NET Web-based Solutions Development Custom .NET Desktop Applications Development 3-d Party Systems Customization / Integration Application Integration with Legacy Systems/ Systems Reverse Engineering / Code Refactoring Application Migration and Porting (Programming Language / Framework / Database) Legacy Applications Updating Enhancement / Performance Tuning Mobile Applications Development (based on .NET Compact Framework)

Development of web-oriented J2EE-based solutions Migration of customer's software solutions to Java/J2EE platform Migration of customer's application servers to Java/J2EE platform Development of Java-based software products Consulting services on Java-based software development J2ME-based solution development

PHP / MySQL web design and programming services. Custom Web Application Development Database-driven Website Development Legacy Applications Reengineering and Enhancement PHP Migration Web Services Integration Web Maintenance

Programming Languages
Java, C#, VB.NET, PHP, C/C++, ActionScript, JavaScript, Objective-C, XML, XSLT, XPath, XAML, VBA, Python, Bash, Groovy, Ruby, ColdFusion, SQL, PL/SQL, T-SQL

Technologies & Frameworks
J2EE: JSP/Servlets, JNDI, RMI, EJB, JMS, JTA, JDO, JNI, JMX, JAAS, JSSE, JCE, Java TimerService, Applets, Swing, Java Web Start, JSF, Struts, GWT, Ext-GWT, GWT-Ext, Seam, Tapestry, Velocity, Spring, Hibernate, Toplink, Quartz, Jasper Reports, Lucene, Solr, OpenAM, Axis, ActiveMQ, ESB, Terracotta, GigaSpaces

.NET: ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET AJAX, Telerik, Windows Forms, WPF, Silverlight, ADO.NET, Linq, NHibernate, Lucene.NET, .NET Remoting, Windows Media Services, WM DRM, PlayReady DRM, Sitecore, Sharepoint, DotNetNuke, BizTalk

LAMP: Zend Framework, CakePHP, Symfony, CodeIgniter, Smarty, PHPTAL, Memcached, Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, Bitrix, VirtueMart, OsCommerce, Magento, MediaWiki, Moodle, TinyMCE

Flash: Flash, AIR, Cairngorm, PureMVC, Parsley, Robotlegs, OSMF, Papervision3D, Alternativa3D

Mobile: iPhone SDK, Android SDK, J2ME, .NET Compact Framework, OpenGL ES, Qt, Cocoa, Lua, cocos2d, box2d, Unity

Other: ActiveX, Ruby on Rails, AJAX, jQuery, Web Services, SOAP, REST, JSON, ExtJS, RSS, ATOM, XMPP, Facebook, MySpace, Ning, Open Social, Google Friends Connect, Moveable Type, Blogger, iGoogle, ooVoo, Google Maps, Yandex Maps, Yahoo! Maps, Live Search Maps, PayPal, DoubleClick, Amazon S3, Amazon EC2

Integration Tools
Maven, Ant, Bamboo, Hudson, CruiseControl, Continuum, Sonar, Jira, SVN, CVS, Git, Nagios

Oracle, MS SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, CouchDB, MS Access, MongoDB

Application/Web servers
JBoss, Tomcat, Apache, IIS, WebSphere, WebLogic

Operating Systems
Windows Server Family, Linux Distributions, HP-UX, Mac OS, iOS, Android OS, BlackBerry OS, Windows Mobile